Get Off The Tracks When This College Lacrosse Ref Is Pulling Through The Station


I've been begging for a massive hit in college lacrosse to not immediately get penalized for years now. It seems like ever since 2010, it's illegal to lay the boom. You absolutely truck the living shit out of an opposing player and you get a flag. Doesn't matter if the hit was clean or not, if it makes a loud noise it turns into a penalty. 

But this ref is bringing back old time lacrosse. Buddy doesn't give a shit about where the ball is. He doesn't give a shit about where anybody else on the field is. All he knows is that he is bigger, stronger, faster, and badder than everyone else out there. You'll rue the day you end up in his path. 

Also gotta love that he's wearing 99. You can't teach that. Some dudes are just born to rock the double 9's. Guys who show up and make things happen day in and day out. Little bit of a sell job by #7 on Hopkins, but we don't have to talk about that. 

Sidenote: Speaking of Hopkins lacrosse, this Hunter Chauvette kid is an ASSASSIN. 

Literally every time this kid touches the ball, it's a low-to-high lefty laser stapled to the back of the net. Shouldn't be allowed to have a shot that lethal as a freshman. Goodness gracious. 



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